to inspire innovation, keep those who are at risk, safe and provide protection to those who protect us.
Over 50% of providers re-cap their needles due to efficiency and comfortability. I created Pexguard to help prevent accidental needle sticks injury's, protecting providers from exposure to HIV and Hepatitis B and C as well as severe allergic reactions for veterinary professionals when it is necessary to recap.

Currently, over one million health care providers encounter needle sticks per year. This statistic is over 50% underreported. 30% of these providers are at risk of contracting Hepatitis and 1 in every 500 will catch HIV. Veterinarians risk infection and life threatening allergic reactions as well as people with diabetes who suffer from painful wounds often on their finger tips from repetitive use of needles.
The inefficient industry standard for medical providers is to use the "scoop method". Though it is recommended to never recap a needle, studies have consistently reported over 50% of sharps containers contain recapped needles. Efficiency and comfortability were the top reasons why medical providers did not follow the standard protocol taught in school.
Pexguard offers a solution to all of these issues and can help the inefficient and rising statistics of accidental NSI's.